Good news. Coloring books aren’t just for kids anymore. Now adults have permission to color, not that you needed it. A recent New York Times article backs up what I’ve been doing for years -- coloring like a seven-year-old and loving it. Coloring books are gaining popularity, and it’s relaxing, meditative and good for your soul. You might be tempted to color with your child, grandchild, nephew or niece. Do it! Just bring along your own coloring book for grown-up stimulation and interest. Of course, coloring alone by a fire or with a cup of herbal tea is a soothing combination, especially if you’re feeling stressed. Sometimes I just dump a box of crayons and colored pencils on the bed and color to relax myself before sleep. Amazon has a variety of coloring books to choose from. My personal favorite is "Coloring Mandalas 1," by Susanne F. Fincher.